Dandruff: A Girl's Worst Nightmare

I'm not gonna lie, dandruff is a pain in the rear. Thankfully, I've only had dandruff a couple of times in my life and even then it lasted a very short period of time .

I've actually received quite a few questions on past posts about what I would recommend for dandruff. I haven't written any articles on
this topic, so of course I'm happy to help you gals out. Hopefully this article will be beneficial to those out there who are fighting the dandruff battle!

What is dandruff and why does it occur?

Dandruff, also called pityriasis (pit-ih-RY-uh-sus), is the "scales of dry dead skin that shed from the scalp." There are two types of dandruff: oily dandruff and dry dandruff. Oily dandruff occurs when the scalp produces too much oil and speeds up the rate at which dead skin cells shed. On the other hand, dry dandruff occurs because the pores of the scalp are clogged, making it dry and flaky.

How do I fix this problem?
You will need to shampoo your hair everyday. Shampoos containing
coal tar or salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide, or pyrithione zinc can be very helpful. There are many anti-dandruff shampoos out on the market, so you should definitely start there. No single product will work for everyone, so try out a few to find which one gives you the best results.

Even taking supplements like salmon oil, primrose oil, vitamin B6, zinc lozenges, vitamin E, and kelp tablets can help.

Dandruff Hair Mask
Oh, and one more thing I would recommend would be to use the following recipe as a hair mask:
2 egg yolks(beaten well)
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
Take small handfuls and massage into the scalp. Leave in for at least 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse out well.



  1. I was told that dandruff was caused by some kind of fungus... I was totally creeped out!

  2. We've all had it at one time or another. So, what a helpful post!

    Thanks for your recent follow. I'm returning the love...

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  3. Dandruff is a type of fungal infection. Remedies like salicylic acid and lemon juice are too harsh, and can cause the hairfall. Ketoconazole works wonders.

  4. returning the favor.. following right back :)thanks!

  5. OOOH! Good to know, I am embarrassed to admit that I deal with this time and time again. My son even gets it, I think it's because our climate is SO stinkin' dry! Although his was a LOT worse and almost resembled cradle cap (his therapist told me to dry shampoo his hair as needed and wash it with soapy shampoo once a week... ended up being yucky but saved a lot of headache!) Any suggestions for little ones. And thanks for that recipe, I'll have to try that sooner than later!

    Following you back now, thanks for the visit!

  6. I agree with Gillian & Segments of life and Im really glad that I came across your blog. So many people dont want to talk about things that one would deem to personal, glad you took that step =)~ Love your blog. I deff will be back.


  7. I used to get dandruff a lot, and I used Head & Shoulders..it worked wonders! They all smell really nice too especially the pink one..mmmm :) Loving your blog!


  8. My boyfriend has dandruff and it's terrible! He has tried every shampoo on the market and nothing works. Might make him try this hair mask, thanks!

  9. Thanks for sharing. Lovely post :)

    New follower here. Great blog! Do check out mine sometime. xx

  10. ughh dandruff is always a pain!
    thanks for the info!will definitely try it out!


  11. Opal, Thanks for visiting and following me at Teens and a Toddler. I am sorry it took me so long, but I am here now and I am following you back!

  12. Great post! I am new here :) Come visit and follow me too! Have a beautiful weekend! Shauna from http://www.trying2staycalm.com/

  13. Vosene. I really like it - cheap and works.

  14. @ LiisK

    Thanks for the tip, I will definitely have to check it out!

    Opal ;)


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