Guest Post: Bye 2011, It's Been Fun
Hey, I am Jess from LWIG:LOOK WHAT I GOT!. My blog is my little get-away where I express my passion for fashion and beauty through my outfit and make up looks. Just want to say a big thank you to Opal for letting me do this post.
I spent 9 months of the year applying for internships, getting rejected from many of them and finally getting one in the Summer. This was a frustrating experience, but I'm glad I stuck it out. I also made a special effort to spend more time with my friends and family, and I am so glad I did as I got closer to people, not to mention I made new friends on my internship.
I entered the Look competition, lost but got invited to the look lounge. It was my first blog event and was so exciting. I was glad my blog was getting recognised, I am definitely entering next year, so lets hope I get further.
2011 was also special as I turned 21 and I went to Ghana for my birthday. It was exciting and I hope to go again soon. All in all 2011 was a good year for me, I haven't got a New Year resolution yet but I am definitely going to go hard on the blog and just enjoy life.
What's your New Year's resolution???
This is an awesome display of perseverance and tenacity. Thanks for sharing & many blessings to all your future endeavors.